Multifunctional pocket radiometric-signaling device equipped with a Geiger-Müller counter. Designed for measuring and signaling exceeding the set spatial alarm thresholds of dose equivalent and dose rate, in mSv and µSv / h units, or in dose units, i.e. in mrem and mR / h.
Areas of application:
The measuring and control device is used in works related to:
- radioactive sources in isotope laboratories,
- control of the packaging in transported radioactive sources,
- environmental supervision and initial monitoring of radioactive contamination,
- Initial assessment of the dose equivalent or the exposure dose at the measurement site.
Technical datas:
- detector – Geiger-Müller counter,
- energy range of X and gamma radiation measurement from 50keV to 1.5MeV,
- measuring ranges:
- dose rate from 0.01µSv / h to 999.9µSv / h, ± 20% (± 1 digit) or from 0.001mR / h to 99.99mR / h,
- doses from 0.001mSv to 99.99mSv, ± 10% (± 1 digit) or 0.1mrem to 9999mrem, ± 10% (± 1 digit)
- counting range – from 1 to 10E7 imp.,
- alarm threshold programming range:
- dose rate from 1µSv / h to 999.9µSv / h or from 0.1mR / h to 99.99mR / h,
- doses from 0.01mSv to 99.99mSv or from 1 mrem to 9999mrem.
- continuous working time -> 50 hours,
- climatic conditions:
- temperature from -10 ° C to + 40 ° C,
- relative humidity up to 80% at + 30 ° C
- dimensions – 60mm x 180mm x 30mm
- weight – 200g
Additional functions:
- the ability to transfer measuring data to a PC and convert it into relevant information using the “RECORDER” program,
- automatic averaging of dose rate measurement,
- direct pulses counting from a Geiger-Müller counter,
- signaling of:
- over range,
- alarm threshold,
- low power supply,
- charging time.