Safety is our passion.
Years of experience and valuable relationships with manufacturers have allowed us to realize what we do best. We provide a sense of security to all who work in dangerous conditions.

As enthusiasts of the latest technologies, we want to understand our Clients’ needs in order to adapt the right solutions. Since 2003 we have been advising, equipping, servicing and training in the field of gas safety, technical rescue, personal protection and lately in aircraft recovery.
SafeTech Atmosphere
Many original projects have been created from passion. One of them is SafeTech Atmosphere awarded with a diamond award and a statuette in the State Security Leader competition. The project has revolutionized the maritime rescue services. We found a solution to identify the perpetrators of coastal waters pollution.
Thanks to this, port residents can be early warned of poisonous winds.
We work with many services that help people and the environment. Everyone of them wants to work in safe conditions, have equipment, service and training that they can count on.
That is why we established Safety Academy in which we provide training including gas safety and technical rescue.
Today we servealmost900
companies and institutions,
from which
safety and health
of our citizens depends.
How we work?
We are a team of enthusiasts who learn every day.
The office staff realizes the immensity of inquiries and projects for our clients. But in free time we are ready to make a little fun.
Our service team gathered the best educated specialists in field of gas detections. Their work is authorized by manufacturers. They serve over 1.000 detectors from all over the country. For stationary installations they drive directly to our customers.

Workshops are the thing our instructors like the most.
Meetings with all kinds of rescue teams are always inspiring both for them as well as for us.
Our Partners

Exclusive Distribution and Service

Authorised Distribution and Service

Business Partner
registered trademark of Dräger company

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