The Safe Industry Package is 3 steps to fully protect a company in the area of hazardous gases:
- selection of proper gas detectors dedicated for the industry,
- participation in the certified trainings in SafeTech Academy,
- service package for purchased devices.
What is the Safe Industry Package for?
We are convinced that only a well-equipped team of employees using modern and friendly equipment is the basis for the safety of the plant.
Therefore, with the industrial industry in mind, we have created the Safe Industry Package. Thanks to the package, you can plan:
- high level of employee protection with easy-to-use and modern detectors,
- management of easily accessible and detailed information on gas hazards in the enterprise,
- much easier operation of the security manager,
- the right level of qualifications for your employees,
- service package for devices used in the company.
1. EQUIPMENT – In the Safe Industry Package you will find gas detectors adapted to the company’s needs:
A – GasAlertMicroClip XL and X3, B – GasAlertQuattro, C – GasAlertMax XTII, D – MultiRAE Lite, E – MicroRAE.
Stationary solutions also available.
2. TRAINING – At the second stage of the Safe Industry Package, we run a gas security training for employees, finished with a certificate.
For over a dozen years, we carry out audits, expert opinions and trainings in the field of explosive safety. Our clients are the largest industrial, water and sewage company as well as fire brigades and smaller firms.
3. SERVICE – The third stage of the Safe Industry Package is the cyclical inspection and servicing of your gas detectors. For your safety works :
- our many years of experience,
- education acquired at device manufacturers, supported by certificates,
- the highest level of service competence,
- quick performance of services.We work stationary, at the customer’s and mail-order.
Contact us:
tel. + 48 58 781 78 55
e-mail: info@safetech.net.pl